One-Way and Two-Way Doors

One-Way and Two-Way Doors

A friend of mine told me a trick about looking at decisions. Some decisions are like walking through a two-way door where it is easy to go through and turn around and go back out if you don't like what you see. Other decisions are like a one-way door. Once you go...

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We’re Doing the Best We Can

We’re Doing the Best We Can

I'm quick to judge and often criticize. Maybe someone is late for a meeting, or the coffee is cold. It's so easy to find faults in others. It's a terrible habit that I've had for much of my life, and I'd love to break it. I've found a small trick that is helping me....

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No More Armor

No More Armor

This week I'm going out into the business world and I feel lost without my battlefield armor. We all go through phases in our life - both personally and professionally. In my early career years as the only woman in the room working in both headquarters and...

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Know Yourself First

Know Yourself First

The other day I was talking to a student at one of my alma maters. I volunteer to help undergrads prepare for life after school. I love hearing a little bit about their perspective on school, work, and life. I'm asked all kinds of wonderful questions. One student...

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EFT Tapping – A Simple Self-Help Tool

EFT Tapping – A Simple Self-Help Tool

Would you be surprised if I tell you that by gently tapping using our fingertips on certain areas of our body can release stress within minutes helping you to relax, stay calm and achieve peace and harmony? This technique is called Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT),...

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Changing Roles Continued

Changing Roles Continued

Today I went for a bike ride early to get back before the hot, dry heat set in later this morning. On the ride, a route I regularly take, I found myself feeling some anxiety. I decided to spend the ride trying to figure out what this feeling meant to me. When I sat...

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What Are We Arguing About?

What Are We Arguing About?

I learned long ago that the best way to never lose an argument is to not engage in one. I see people arguing all the time. There are so many conflicting opinions on just about every subject. Unfortunately, many people argue about the surface issue and don't get a...

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How Do You Focus?

How Do You Focus?

Michael Poland writes about two kinds of consciousness. I think of them as two types of awareness. He calls them the lantern and the spotlight. As children, we have more of a lantern style. We are just getting used to the world and have a lot to learn. In looking at...

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Roles, Changing Again?

Roles, Changing Again?

Many times in our lives we make changes to the roles we are in. Sometimes it's a new job, sometimes a new relationship. Or the role may be one we’ve been in before, but the players and place have changed. Regardless of how the roles and circumstances have changed, we...

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How’s That Working for You?

How’s That Working for You?

I've found that my automatic reaction to a situation isn't always the best. But it's automatic, so it's difficult to see. When I notice I'm getting the same, unwanted results, I ask the simple question, How's that working for you, Beth? This is how I start to question...

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YCC Book
March 2025



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