One-Way and Two-Way Doors
A friend of mine told me a trick about looking at decisions. Some decisions are like walking through a two-way door where it is easy to go through and turn around and go back out if you don’t like what you see.
Other decisions are like a one-way door. Once you go through it, going back is more difficult.
Most of the decisions or choices you make every day are of a two-way variety. Choosing to use the stairs rather than take the elevator is easy to change on the way down. Choosing paper or plastic bags at the grocery store – easy to change.
But some of the choices you get to make have more of an impact. Getting married, moving to another part of the country, or starting a new career are good examples. These choices are harder to undo, like choosing the one-way door.
It’s easy to become afraid of making a decision or choice when you feel like you’re going through a one-way door. You don’t know what’s on the other side and you aren’t sure if you can come back if you want or need to.
One trick is to think of a big one-way door decision as a number of smaller two-way door choices. Breaking down the decision into smaller, more manageable options can help you make your way through.
I’ve come to realize that life is more rewarding, the more doors I choose to go through.
Each time I intentionally make a choice and go through a door, two things happen. 1) I empower myself for making a conscious choice, and 2) I experience something new.
The more empowered I feel, the more fun I have in life and I increase my confidence in making choices!
The more experiences I have, the more I get to see what the world has to offer and I frequently learn that doing something different creates new opportunities.
These are great reasons to keep walking through both kinds of doors and to keep reaching for what’s next along your journey.
Special thanks to Jen for the inspiration
Thanks Jen. Good thoughts