EFT Tapping – A Simple Self-Help Tool

EFT Tapping – A Simple Self-Help Tool

EFT Tapping – A Simple Self-Help Tool Would you be surprised if I tell you that by gently tapping using our fingertips on certain areas of our body can release stress within minutes helping you to relax, stay calm and achieve peace and harmony? This technique is...
Hawaiian Prayer and Judgement

Hawaiian Prayer and Judgement

Hawaiian Prayer and Judgement Last week we wrote about the power of the Hawaiian Prayer https://youcanchoose.info/why-i-use-the-hawaiian-prayer-when-im-confused/.  We had a great conversation in our community group about the prayer and how helpful it can be. Another...
Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First Many of us have been told to do what you love. If you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. We’re also taught to find our true love and all will be blissful. Unfortunately, we are rarely taught that in order to love anything or anyone else, we...
Play the Penny Game

Play the Penny Game

Play the Penny Game “When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!” — Yogi Berra While talking with students last week, we were introduced to the Penny Game. We had never heard of it before, but we love it. It is most fun when played with a group, but it...