by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 23, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
I want to change, but others don’t want me to… As Peter and I began to shift our thinking from fear and worry to a perspective of abundance and possibility, we started to notice other people’s reactions. It often entailed some comment to bring us back to...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 9, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
Is Change Intimidating For You? Is change a good thing for you or is it a big scary monster that you avoid? I’m guessing it’s somewhere in between. Maybe there are elements of excitement mixed in with apprehension, fear, and uncertainty. Well, something to consider is...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 2, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
Are You Miserable Because You See All That You Don’t Have? Are you always focused on what others have and you don’t? Do you wish you could live a different life than what you have today? We all do this, but the difference between those who are working towards...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 26, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
Shed Your Cloak of Judgement It sure is a heavy cloak. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re lugging it around. But a really simple way to tell if you’re carrying it is to observe your thinking. Do you have a running commentary about what is happening around you that...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 19, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
Go Through Pain to Get to Joy Last week Peter and I watched a Netflix special with Brené Brown on vulnerability and courage. In watching Brené, it was striking to realize how much we disavow our feelings of events that challenge us. And yet, it is these feelings that...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 12, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Experiences
Abundance can be Automatic A core tenant of YCC is that the universe is abundant and limitless unless we limit it in the way we think about ourselves and our everyday experiences. A great example is a mindset of scarcity vs. a mindset of abundance. When you have a...