You Can Be Abundant

You Can Be Abundant

You Can Be Abundant Regardless of how you define it, you should aspire to be abundant or wealthy. Many of us have very different definitions of abundance and wealth. Our definition is having all the resources to allow us to have all the experiences we desire. It has...
You Get What You Focus On

You Get What You Focus On

You Get What You Focus On You give focus by giving your attention. You do this both intentionally and automatically. Each moment, we make a choice on what to focus on. Even though there is so much around us, many of us spend so much time in our head, thinking about...
It Starts Inside

It Starts Inside

It Starts Inside Everything we see and experience starts inside of us. Our mind is where everything starts. The outside world reflects our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. The world doesn’t happen to us. We create the world with others, but always with our...
It’s Already There

It’s Already There

It’s Already There There is a process for getting what you want. 1. Decide what you want. By deciding what you want and having enough energy behind the desire, you create the thing you want. It is created somewhere in your future. Your job is to align yourself...
Lead with Your Thoughts

Lead with Your Thoughts

Lead with Your Thoughts It’s not what you do, it’s why you do it that matters. The reason you do something is the result of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. You can’t fake it. If you want to go to the gym because you hate the way you feel or...
Trust Your Feelings

Trust Your Feelings

Trust Your Feelings Our feelings arise from our beliefs. They come in response to our interaction with the world based on how we see things. Feelings are a way to understand our beliefs. If we are feeling happy about most things, we likely have happy beliefs. If we...