by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Apr 3, 2018 | Experiences, Happier, Peter's Voice
I used to get anxious all the time. Sometimes I’d wake up anxious. It felt like anxiety was just waiting for me to open my eyes so it could join me for the day. Those were difficult days because I couldn’t identify the source. I just woke up and bam! It was there, and...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Mar 26, 2018 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
The other day, a friend of mine said we should have a group that helps us celebrate failure. We have all types of ways to celebrate success, but we bury failure. When she mentioned it, I initially thought it was a good idea. But something didn’t feel right. We kept...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Mar 19, 2018 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
I’ve been thinking about self-confidence lately. When I think of confidence, I think of a big guy puffing out his chest. A search on Google shows images of people jumping or throwing their arms up in victory. I want to live my life with confidence, but I don’t want to...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Mar 12, 2018 | Happier, Observations, Peter's Voice
What is a happiness habit? It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s when you are in the habit of being happy. You wake up happy, you work happy, you play happy, you eat happy, you go to bed happy. You get into a pattern where happy is the only way you know...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Mar 5, 2018 | Experiences, Observations, Peter's Voice
There are two steps to getting what you want. First, know what you want. Once you know what that is, you just need to prepare yourself to receive it. This is the hardest part. We become impatient. As we wait, we constantly measure our progress and often ignore all the...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 26, 2018 | Experiences, Happier, Peter's Voice
These days we are bombarded with opinions. Everyone has a point of view and a driving need to share it. More than share it, they need to convince you. There are seem to be only two sides to every issue. One side is right. The other side is wrong. Not just wrong, but...