
Why am I feeling so afraid of something? Nothing? Anything? I have so much to be grateful for, not the least of which is being cancer free. But I still have a feeling of trepidation. Is it because I had two activities cancel yesterday that I was looking forward to? Is...

At last…

I’m up and walking my regular walking route for the first time since last December. It’s early enough in the morning that I miss the traffic, but it’s light enough that I can see where I’m walking. Yes, those cracks in the sidewalk and curbs are invisible in the dark...


I’m sitting here with a bad case of the Blahs. I’m still not strong enough to go out for more than a walk a day, have to be accompanied to do basic grocery shopping and it’s raining out side so I have limited ability to get outside…. I’m tired of reading, I’m tired of...

Yes, still need drugs…

Last week after meeting with my oncologist (still have a hard time thinking I have an oncologist, a cancer doctor!), I decided to try to reduce my pain pills. The thought was that after taking them at night, I would skip the day dosages and see how I was doing. Well...

Cancer Again

Yesterday I watched the Super Bowl as I’m sure many of you did. I was looking forward to ‘getting out’ and being part of the world again. We went to the grocery store (still not driving) to get our regular grocery items, but this time it was supplemented with chips,...


Good Morning. I wanted to mention genetic testing for people who don’t really know about it. I certainly include myself in that category. The first question the oncologist asked me when we first met was if I had had any genetic testing done in my past. I was a bit...