Last week after meeting with my oncologist (still have a hard time thinking I have an oncologist, a cancer doctor!), I decided to try to reduce my pain pills. The thought was that after taking them at night, I would skip the day dosages and see how I was doing.

Well that didn’t go so well. Peter found me Friday afternoon sitting on the sofa when he got home, looking forward to the weekend. I could barely muster a ‘hello’. Needless to say, that experiment didn’t last, but at least I know the drugs really do have a purpose. Not only do they minimize the pain and aid in keeping inflammation to a minimum among people like myself who can be counted on to test the boundaries, they can actually make for a nicer, more engaging person. Who knew?

All you hear about the narcotic pain pills, is how addictive they are (which is a real issue), not so much on what their real function is, killing pain. I will retry my weaning off of them again later this week after taking more time to heal.