Hawaiian Prayer and Judgement

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Beth's Voice, Tool

Last week we wrote about the power of the Hawaiian Prayer https://youcanchoose.info/why-i-use-the-hawaiian-prayer-when-im-confused/.  We had a great conversation in our community group about the prayer and how helpful it can be.

Another way the prayer is valuable is less obvious.  By focusing on the simple statements of the prayer, you are able to step away from judging things, people situations, and so much more.

Judging things in your life zaps energy from the great things that are happening.  The Hawaiian prayer allows you to move away from judgmental thoughts and is particularly helpful if that is one of the main thought patterns in your life. We wrote about how to minimize judgment in your life earlier this year https://youcanchoose.info/shed-your-cloak-of-judgement/

The Hawaiian Prayer, with its simple statements, allows you to easily slip into a mantra of sorts that requires less effort than watching your thinking occur.  It is also easier to use when you’re in the heat of an emotional situation.

Say you find yourself in a heated exchange and you suddenly feel you’re losing control of your emotions and you’re getting in over your head.  If you have the four simple statements of the Hawaiian Prayer in your go-to toolbox, it’s much easier to diffuse the emotions that seem to be gaining power in your head.

Just start repeating in your head…
* I love you.
* I’m sorry.
* Please forgive me.
* Thank you.

All that negative energy that was gaining momentum begins to dissipate.

You will find yourself almost instantly transported to a more balanced space and all the work would have had to do to repair relationships, apologize, back down, regret your actions, become unnecessary.   You step back into control of yourself and can Aveo your life forward from a place of strength.

We asked the participants on the community call to try out the Hawaiian Prayer last week.  Noticing the emotions and how they lose their power is a valuable experience.  Using the Hawaiian Prayer to extract yourself from an emotionally difficult place is another impactful experience.

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