by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jun 18, 2019 | Observations, Peter's Voice
Month: June 2019 The other night, after Beth and I came back to our home in Santa Cruz after spending part of the day up in Silicon Valley meeting with people and hosting a seminar, we were sitting on our small front porch. Someone was rooting around the trash...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jun 11, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
Month: June 2019 We take our little dog out for walks a few times a day. It’s such a great excuse to stop doing whatever it is we are doing and get out and enjoy the outdoors. During our walks, we get to check out what’s new in the neighborhood and talk to...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jun 4, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice, Workshop
Month: June 2019 The past weekend we offered our Law of Resistance Workshop. Ten of us worked through a bunch of exercises to understand all about the resistance we create that gets in the way of getting what we want in life. It was a great experience and everyone...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | May 28, 2019 | Observations, Peter's Voice
Month: May 2019 We just moved into a new house. When we first moved in, to make the kitchen usable, we put things in drawers and cabinets to get them out of the boxes and someplace findable in the morning. After a few days, we got around to shifting various items...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | May 14, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
Month: May 2019 How do you describe yourself? If someone asks you about yourself, what do you tell them? We use labels to describe things because it is so much easier to give a label rather than describe or understand the intricacies. For that reason, labels are easy...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Apr 30, 2019 | Observations, Peter's Voice
Month: April 2019 Do you ever feel stuck when you have to do something – and you don’t want to? What do you think about giving yourself permission not to do it? Whatever “it” is, you likely don’t have to do it. There might be repercussions, but that’s different...