Busy Week

Last week as I was returning home I looked at the weeks activities and suddenly realized it was going to be just as busy as the last couple were, I was just going to be at home. Today I think I’m going to make it through the week. One more day to go. Next week I can...

New Day

I woke up this morning ready to begin moving on. I finally had a good nights sleep and was able to get lots of things done yesterday while accomplishing the feat of not thinking. Just doing. Yes, just the checklist please. I’m posting late today because I had an early...


I think, now that I have caught up on my sleep, the two week trip is now catching up to me. I’m exhausted. The excitement of getting home and sleeping in my bed is past. I’m still feeling the exhaustion physically, but now there is a mental component. I just want to...

In My Chair

It’s been two weeks since I sat in what has become my ‘beloved’ chair. When I think about how this daily posting started it was a pretty dark time in my life. Literally. Figuratively. I’ve come back to a neighborhood covered in spring green colors. The buds have...


I’m writing this as I get ready to begin travels back home. Nostalgia hits as I see more grey hairs, walk through the student union with memories of this corner, this table, and I realize I’m the person I always wanted to be. Someone I would look to for direction and...

Day 2

Now yesterday was for me, an entrepreneur, at the conference. There were several panels of outside professionals and students talking about a topic, but it had a different feel from the panels of just one or the other. From the audience I could hear two different but...