Now yesterday was for me, an entrepreneur, at the conference. There were several panels of outside professionals and students talking about a topic, but it had a different feel from the panels of just one or the other. From the audience I could hear two different but related perspectives. It was a wonderful way to get different views of the same topic at the same time.

For the first time I heard someone talk about the power of beliefs. Yes, you hear people mention it each day, but I have come to realize that this is the real thing when it comes to actually doing something or not. What a surprise it was to hear it placed in a presentation about entrepreneurship by a group of deep thinkers!

We pick up our beliefs from the time we are born until the present and they are what drive our actions. How we treat others. How we choose to do something. How we view our selves in a particular situation. They matter. The trick is to really understand them and how they show up in our daily lives.

Wonderful contacts, wonderful participants, wonderfully run event. How does this relate to cancer? I have chosen to live my life and engage more than I have in the past. Guess that’s why I almost always had something to say.

Been there (build a company), done that (sold it in January). Now I have lots to share. I won’t be going to the grave without trading the lessons that generated my gray hair and wrinkles to another entrepreneur or whomever wants to learn the easy way, by listening.