Second Hill Ride

Okay, I’m sure you’re thinking, what’s the big deal. Well, for me this week’s rides have been a challenge because I haven’t been out for a couple months and the hills I rode, albeit slower, were a challenge physically and mentally. This week it was two large hills of...


That wasn’t gentle yoga! Yesterday I went to my first vinyasa class. I spoke to the instructor before class started and told him I had abdominal surgery earlier this year, was all healed up, but needed to begin working on my core. I’ve been to several classes and they...

Birthday Ride

Yesterday I celebrated a close friend’s 61st birthday with her daughter by climbing a good size hill. She is a wonderful friend and a fun riding partner. We had sun and a cool breeze or wind depending on where we were riding. Hills are great when the wind is unruly...

A Meandering Day

Yesterday was a bit of a fog, not sure why. I was able to get lots of things done, but not what I really had planned to get done. The day just happened, without my typical ‘organizing.’ There were points at which I had to just laugh at myself because I simply couldn’t...

All Better

I finally was able to see my OBGYN doctor last week for a checkup post-surgery. It was a homecoming of sorts. We had not seen each other since the fateful visit in January when she gave me my biopsy test results and sent me to the oncologist later that day. It was a...

Interesting Ride

Yesterday I was able to join a couple friends for a nice bike ride. The weather dried out, the sun shone and the wind was mild. The ride was over 30 miles, but I found myself more tired in the first half of the ride than I did in the second. Needless to say I was...