
Can’t think of the last time I slept until 9, but I did this morning. Very sluggish this morning. Either I must be healing at an incredible rate or the pain pills are doing their thing and knocking me down for the count. Have to say that’s an interesting thought, pain...


I haven’t cried. Nope. A revelation, yes. Surprised, no. The last time I cried so hard it hurt was when my brother was killed training for the ’96 Olympics in cycling. I cried because I didn’t get to ride (bicycles) with him. In fact, he was supposed to visit me in...


Good late morning. I’ve seen the sun and rain 3 times today. It’s still morning. Looks like I’ll have to time my walk to catch the dry sky sometime in the next several hours. I had a much needed, quiet weekend. However, I did get out a couple times to see friends....


Good Morning. I think the weight of the last several weeks is catching up to me. I’m exhausted both physically (surprise, surprise) and emotionally. I was just realizing the day I found out I possibly had cancer was only the first week in January. It’s still January!...


I’m back in my chair writing again with the computer propped away from my very sore belly… I went to the hospital early Tuesday for surgery and you heard things went well. In fact, I received a voice mail from the surgeon (missed him at the hospital yesterday before I...


Well, this will be my last post for a couple days. Surgery is tomorrow early, early morning, so will take all your wonderful thoughts with me. I’ll be staying overnight and not sure when I’ll be able to use a keyboard afterwards. Don’t think they will let me keep my...