
Yes, today is the day of ‘cleansing’ or whatever you call no eating of solid food. This colonoscopy is, I suspect, a direct result of the cancer. Since the cancer was in the same region as the colon, I’m sure they decided it was time to do one of these again, UGH. I...


Not sure why I’m so tired today. Did my weekly shot last night for MS. It can leave me a bit off the next day, but I think the tiredness is a reflection of the changes going on in my life right now. All good, but overwhelming nonetheless. Building a new house (been on...

Regular Ride

Today I’ll be going on a regular ride vs. the longer one I did last Thursday. You see, the body takes longer to recuperate these days. While I feel great, I know once I get on the bike and start riding up steeper hills, I’ll feel it. No matter. Maybe next week. June...


Today I was able to get out a bit earlier for my walk with the dog and the silence was astounding. The fog creates a nice blanket over the Bay Area when it moves in and it just sits on any sound. Trucks and cars are quieter, the air is still and any other noise has a...

Recuperation Ride

Well, the ride last Thursday over hill and vale has stayed with me for several days. Sunday I took my regular route to see how things were doing, aka how tired and sore am I still? Well, I was pretty tired, especially my legs. Today I’ll take another ride, but it will...

Rush Monday

Today is the first of the week and everything seems to be loaded up front for the week. Yes, I could have adjusted it, but we have family in town and it seems to be working just fine as I write this huffing and puffing to get it all done before a mid morning meeting....