by Beth Bostwick | Jan 19, 2017 | Beth's Voice, Cancer Blog
I’m back in my chair writing again with the computer propped away from my very sore belly… I went to the hospital early Tuesday for surgery and you heard things went well. In fact, I received a voice mail from the surgeon (missed him at the hospital yesterday before I...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 15, 2017 | Just for Fun, Peter's Voice
Just let go. Easy to say. Hard to do. Why hold on? Hold on to what? Fear? That’s what’s there. Fear is a creator. Fear is a source, not the result. Before I let go, I hold on to something else. Hope? Love? Desire? Anything. Then I let...
by Beth Bostwick | Jan 15, 2017 | Beth's Voice, Cancer Blog
Well, this will be my last post for a couple days. Surgery is tomorrow early, early morning, so will take all your wonderful thoughts with me. I’ll be staying overnight and not sure when I’ll be able to use a keyboard afterwards. Don’t think they will let me keep my...
by Beth Bostwick | Jan 14, 2017 | Beth's Voice, Cancer Blog
Had to take a nap this morning. Cold is going away, but it certainly is taking it’s time. Walk time is now when the sun is up and the air has warmed a bit, much to the consternation of the dog. I’m sure it seems to him that he’ll not get out for his daily ‘newspaper...
by Beth Bostwick | Jan 13, 2017 | Beth's Voice, Cancer Blog
The sun is back out this morning and I hope it’s here for most of the day. It will be nice to see dry pavement again. I had a good nights sleep and expect more recovery today. Tuesday surgery is scheduled and will have to go to a liquid diet Monday. Guess it’s one way...