Friday I finally tried a gentle yoga class. I’ve taken them in the past, but didn’t think they were enough for me to build up my core. Well, I’m now at the very beginning of rebuilding my core.

I mentioned my recent surgery to the instructor and wondered if there were any poses I should avoid. She didn’t think there given I could do a few sit ups and was riding my bike for an hour a couple times a week. We agreed on child pose if there were any periods in class where I couldn’t engage.

I’m happy to report I made it through class, but was surprised at how tired I was afterwards. There were a couple times when the wall was my best friend. Through class I noticed my breathing was labored, more because I was ‘over concentrating’ than effort, but it signaled I needed to relax more. I’ll try a couple more classes this week to continue building my core muscles that seem to be MIA.