Yesterday Mom and I went to look at possible houses for her to downsize to in the next couple years. Since I’m not in Colorado, except for annual visits, I’m not usually involved in these discussions. My brother and sister usually handle this stuff. But this was the opportunity for me to drive around the area and see how things have changed and talk about ‘whatever’ with Mom.

We visited a cheese importer and drove around much of the Front Range between Boulder and Ft. Collins. Yes, things have really changed since I trained and raced out her 30+ years ago. The mountains are as beautiful as ever and I’ve been able to experience the wild weather once again. We went from snow, to sun, to rain, to hail in one afternoon. The weather is just as spectacular as ever!

Late yesterday as I was in the living room I noticed a big shadow fly past the window blinds. Thinking it was a hawk or Canadian Goose I went to the window and looked at our neighbors roof. A top the eave, less than 30 ft. away, was an owl. It was huge. As I fiddled with the blinds to make sure I wasn’t just imagining things, it turned it’s head and looked directly at me. A Great Horned OWL! I’ve never seen a live owl, even in a zoo, and was impressed at how large an animal it is. In that moment I was really happy I wasn’t a squirrel.

How great it is to be alive and happy!