by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 19, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
Peter and Beth Bostwick I have a junk drawer both at home and at work. My junk drawers are filled with things that I might need one day, or maybe not. You never know. It contains things that are sort of broken, but not completely useable either, mementos of trips I’ve...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 12, 2019 | Observations, Peter's Voice
Peter and Beth Bostwick “I Can Be as Happy as I Want” For some, this phrase will be obvious, and for others, it might appear ‘Pollyannaish.’ Even if the phrase is obvious to you, do you really know what it means? I certainly didn’t. While I knew what the...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Feb 5, 2019 | Observations, Peter's Voice
Peter and Beth Bostwick I was sitting in the large communal eating space at a local Whole Foods the other day. The place was crowded with folks stopping in from the nearby offices. The whole area was jam packed with people rushing through lunch heading off to a...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 29, 2019 | Experiences, Observations, Peter's Voice
Peter and Beth Bostwick I’ve struggled with the concept of acceptance for a long time. It’s only recently that I’m starting to finally get it. When I initially thought about acceptance, I equated it with giving in or giving up. I felt in order to accept, I had...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 22, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
Peter and Beth Bostwick Have you ever thought about what you REALLY want? FYI – If you don’t know what it is, it is going to be hard to get it. AND – You may not recognize it when it shows up. Often, when we say we want something we also have feelings...
by Peter and Beth Bostwick | Jan 15, 2019 | Experiences, Peter's Voice
Peter’s Voice The other night Beth and I were sitting at the bar of a local restaurant. We were enjoying a drink and having an appetizer when I noticed a guy standing next to us. He’d been standing there for a while. He ordered a drink and finished it. He didn’t...