I’ll confess, yesterday after I posted my frustrating experiences with hot flashes, I thought, who wants to read about such a pedestrian thing as hot flashes. Well, I was pleasantly surprised at how many of you offered your condolences, suggestions and just ‘we’re in this together’ comments. I was blown away.

Thank you!

I surely will be looking at your recommendations and suggestions as I move forward with this lovely affliction, knowing I’m traveling with some very experienced travelers. Loved the comparison to a “power surge”. It’s such a good way to think of them since it’s essentially what they are….

After I posted my thoughts yesterday I had to take a nap at 9:00 AM. Yes, all convention is out the door this year.

As I was waking up, I could feel something plastic-like in my belly button. Not being totally awake and, as Mom called me a ‘world class scab picker’ at the tender age of 6, I started to pick at it. It was the glue they used to put me back together after surgery and it had hardened and started to break up.

I very carefully mined the plasticy stuff and promised myself to do the laundry as I had planned. Crumbs were everywhere. I imagined them just squeezing a tube of the stuff in my belly button and saying “she’ll never break a stitch there now”. Plus it was probably easier to just fill the hole up than carefully cover the incision!

Now, I’m sure many of you are thinking ‘yuck’, but I’m thinking I have my belly button back and the itchy stuff is gone. Another benefit, I don’t have to keep moving my shapeless pants around to keep them from catching and pulling my skin. Ahhh…

A small victory on the road to recovery!