Thanksgiving is here again and the turkey with all the fixings we always look forward to.  It’s also a moment when we take some time to reflect on all the good things we have in our lives and give thanks.  It may be around a table with friends and family, or it may be on our own with just our thoughts.

This is a perfect time to understand how gratitude fits into the choices you make to live your life.  Gratitude can be the base on which you can build your future.  Using gratitude as your guide, you can better direct your thoughts toward what you want.  It is important to take time to understand all the good you have in your life.  It sets the tone for your thoughts about what you want and your beliefs about choosing that future.

When you take the time to be thankful for the things in your life, you shift your feelings to happiness and away from thoughts of anger or disappointment.  With this shift in thinking it becomes more powerful for you to follow with thoughts of your future.  Your appreciation becomes a solid framework to begin thinking and believing in your new life.  It helps you to align your thoughts in support of what you choose for yourself.  Negative feelings diminish the likelihood of a future with happier outcomes.

This Thanksgiving, take time to feel how many things are going right for you, regardless of how small they are.  Then bask in that gratitude as you begin thinking of what you want in your life.  Open yourself up to the possibility of what you want to happen from the gratitude you feel.  Use this feeling to move your life forward.

However you spend your holiday, take time to feel thankfulness for the good things in your life.

We are thankful for all we have and very much appreciate you!