Where is the Edge?
We’ve all heard of people who push the edge. Boundary pushers. People who go out on a limb.
One thing I’ve come to realize is there is no definitive edge. It is forever expanding. For example, our understanding of particle physics shows that the deeper we look, the more we see. Flying at the speed of sound was once unimaginable. Space travel is now an industry. So much of what we once thought of as the edge is commonplace.
Each of us has our own edges as well. There are places where we feel comfortable and a line where if we even think of going beyond we encounter fear.
Our edges change over time. Most of us started life by exploring our room then our neighborhood, and eventually the rest of the world. Our edges expanded as we gained experience. As we saw what was possible and developed our confidence, more and more of the world moved inside our comfort zone.
One of my edges is public speaking. Almost any time I have to get in front of a group and talk, I’m fearful. Over time I’ve learned not to compare my edges with anyone else’s. I can admire people who speak comfortably and competently in public but have no interest in being like them.
Our edge is where we have the most to learn. These are the places we’ve chosen to limit ourselves. We are all capable of more than we think we are.
If we’ve never seen something done, we often assume it can’t be done. Or if we weren’t comfortable the last time we tried it, we’re anxious the next time around.
How can you push the edge or your boundaries?
First, identify the areas of your life you want to expand.
Then, look for examples of others who’ve done it. Learn more about them and how and why they do what they do. Then practice, practice, practice.
Your life will be more exciting and you’ll learn so much about yourself when you push yourself to move beyond your edges.