Not All Blossoms Become Fruit
Why do some of us feel compelled to do so much while others are comfortable doing what they can and nothing more?
The other day, Beth and I were meeting with friends, and the subject of personal productivity came up. Most of the people in the group are crazy busy trying to get everything done.
No matter how productive you are, when you look at your to-do list at the end of the day, you will no doubt find some things you’ve not finished. How does that make you feel?
When you look at the items remaining, are there ones that don’t belong there any longer? Giving yourself permission to delete things is empowering. Just because one time you thought it was important and added it to the list, doesn’t mean it still is. Think about how different the list looked last year, or ten years ago.
You get what you focus on, so be sure things on your list are worth your time and energy.
You had the inspiration to do something at one point, but it doesn’t mean you have to follow through. As we all know, ideas are cheap compared to the effort to make them happen. It reminds me of the saying that ‘not all blossoms become fruit’. Sometimes, just the flower is enough.
The spark of creativity brings forth the beauty of the bloom, but it’s not meant to last forever. If the conditions are right, it might become a fruit. If it doesn’t, that doesn’t diminish the radiance of the flower.
A tree doesn’t need all of its flowers to become fruit, nor does it need all of the fruit to grow into a tree. It needs but a few to grow into seedlings every year or so to add to the forest.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the need to be productive. Focus on what you want and allow the rest to fall away.
Thank you for this powerful message through your newsletter.
I came to me at the right time. I really needed to hear this from the Universe.
It’s very easy to get caught up in our to- do lists and being unable to complete a few of them can leave us feeling unproductive by the end of the day.
I guess taking an inventory of what went well and what got done in the list even if it was something very simple can keep us moving forward.
Thank you, Meenakshi.
Giving ourselves credit for the little things adds up to big things.
Peter and Beth,
Thank you for this beautiful article and the great analogy you use, which will make us relax and remember when seeing a blossoming tree.
Thank you. It is so helpful to see reminders out in the world.
Nice to remember even in retirement