Learning to Look Behind the Reflections
The way that we experience life is mostly physical. We use our external senses to know what is going on and measure our place in the world. We interact with people, we do things, we experience pleasure and pain through our five senses.
But what if there are more senses that we have? What if sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch are just the tip of the iceberg.
Just like a reflection in a mirror only shows a two-dimensional version of what’s actually there, what we see in this physical world is just a small part of all that is.
When we look at a reflection, we see the surface. We might see a smile, but don’t see what is behind the smile – maybe it is not a real smile, but one pasted on to please the world. We might see lines and wrinkles on the face, but can’t possibly know all the trials and tribulations over the years that contributed to each of those lines.
How do we peek behind the reflection? How can we know the stories behind the mirror?
That’s where our internal senses come in. Behind the physical is the bedrock of our reality consisting of our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. These subjective intangibles are what drive our experiences. They are what’s behind the mirror and create the reality that our five senses perceive.
In the YCC material, we help you focus on what is behind the reflection. We ask you to pay more attention to your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings to understand your motivation – knowing and understanding the ‘why’ more than the ‘how.’
It’s the intangibles that drive the tangible.
Focusing strictly on the physical is like trying to change what you see in the mirror by drawing on it. It might look different for a few minutes, but nothing has changed.
To know and understand what’s going on in your life, look and listen for your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings behind it all.