Listen to Your Self-Talk To Get More of What You Want
Last week we introduced the simple yet powerful statement, “Even though I feel [say what you are feeling], I love and accept myself as I am.”
As you develop a habit of listening to your thoughts and feelings, you’ll notice more and more of them.
Let’s take a look at how in-line your thoughts and beliefs are to what you want.
Getting what you want starts with knowing what it is. Once you figure out what that is, how do you move forward?
Often times you aren’t getting what you want because your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are inconsistent with what you want.
If you’ve been practicing listening to yourself, you have a better sense of the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings running around in the background.
For example, say you want more abundance in your life. A life where there is always enough money and more is showing up all the time. For me, that is what abundance feels like. If that is what it feels like for you, ask yourself a simple question, “Do I feel that way about anything in my life?”
When you walk into the kitchen do you see all the possibilities of meals, or do you grumble that there is nothing to eat? When you have a rainy day, do you see the abundance of life-affirming water or do you see the lack of sunshine?
There are many areas of life filled with abundance:
- There is plenty of air to breathe
- There is an abundance of water to drink and enjoy
- Nature is everywhere
With all this abundance, where is your focus? Do you see more of what is lacking like pollution, food insecurity, and climate change? I’m not saying those things don’t exist. There is plenty of news and social media coverage. But that doesn’t mean you have to focus on it.
You will never live a life of abundance if your attention is on what’s missing. There are many people with plenty of money who don’t feel abundant and live with worry. While others with barely enough to get by are grateful and happy with what is plentiful in their life.
Abundance has nothing to do with what you have, rather it is all about your feelings about your situation.
It’s your feelings and the little thoughts running around in your head that reflect your beliefs. It’s your beliefs around abundance and everything thing else that matters to you that enables or limits getting what you want.
That’s why learning to listen to yourself and leveraging your self-talk to get more of what you want is a valuable lesson.