You Don’t Need It Until You Need It
As we were walking along the road, we were wondering when to cross. There was a gap in traffic, but we were not at the best place to cross. If we left then, we’d end up taking more of a diagonal path – walking through the middle of two roads.
Instead, we decided to go to the best spot to cross and see how traffic was when we got there.
Sure enough, when we got to the spot that aligned with the sidewalk on the other side, the road was perfectly clear. No one was coming from either direction.
Beth and I looked at each other and we both said, “Ta-da! That was easy.” Once again, we didn’t need to rush or worry. When we were ready to cross, the road was clear.
It’s amazing how often we need to remind ourselves not to push. It was tempting to try to rush crossing the street earlier when there was a small break.
But, we didn’t need to cross then. It was our fear that that was our best chance to cross. We were afraid traffic would start coming and cause us to wait or we would have to run to make it across. That fear caused us to momentarily consider hurrying and forcing the issue.
So many times we fall prey to the need to take things into our own hands. We take a parking space well before we reach our destination, or call to check on someone to be sure they are doing what they said they’d do, or we rush to make a decision well before we need to.
When we force things, we’re not trusting. We’re not trusting ourselves, or the Universe to work things out. We think we have to take care of everything.
As we’ve said many times, our job is to focus on what we want, not the how. How things work out is too complicated for us to figure out and is best left to the Universe.
It takes practice, but allowing is so much easier and marvelous than forcing.
Achieving and maintaining a mindset of trusting yourself and allowing the Universe to deliver what we want is living a life of abundance.