We Seek Balance
You can’t get more than you give and you can’t give more than you get.
If you want someone to love you, you have to be able to love someone in return. And most importantly, you can’t love someone else until you are able to love yourself.
Love is like water, it seeks balance. Water rushes in to fill a void and leaves just as quickly when there is too much. For a little while, you might give more than you get or get more than you give, but it won’t last very long. No one wants to love someone that doesn’t love them back. It hurts.
Money is the same way. You will only be as wealthy as you feel you are worth. You see this in stories of people who win millions of dollars in the lottery and find themselves in the same financial situation after a few years. Unless they change how they feel about themselves, the money seems to disappear until the balance between self-worth and financial wealth is reestablished.
I know people that think so highly of themselves, they consider a few minutes of their time worth hundreds of dollars. I also know people who don’t think well of themselves and give away their precious time for the minimum wage – and let people take advantage of them in the process.
It’s not that either one of these people is inherently better or more important, but their respective view of themselves is what makes the difference.
As we love to say, it’s all about you. How you feel about yourself matters immensely. If there is something missing in your life, think about how that relates to how you think and feel about yourself. The more you know yourself, the easier it is to understand how the world reacts to you.