The Magic of Imagination
“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”
― Albert Einstein
This week, Beth and I have had the privilege of meeting with students and staff at Purdue – the school we both graduated from.
It’s been a fantastic opportunity to talk with people who, for the most part, are on the verge of making a significant transition. Many are going from the comfort of a large college campus to the wild and unknown working world.
So many possibilities and choices ahead
… and, that got us thinking about the magic of imagination.
How big and broad those possibilities and choices appear, depends on your imagination. If you follow the rules set out by society, parents, peers, and more importantly, you, your imagination can be limited.
One of the reasons we are on campus is to empower students and staff to foster their imagination. As we tell the students what an exciting time it is for them and how the world is ready for them to dive in, Beth and I remember when we were in their shoes. We can recall how serious we were and how we too were afraid to be bold with our imagination.
No matter what your age or stage of life, you can always be on the brink of a transition. There are plenty of things you planned to do but haven’t yet started. There are places to go and people to meet. The world is always out there, ready for you to dive in.
Now is always the time to expand your imagination and be open to all the options and choices you can make.
How big can you make your dreams? Once you get comfortable with a vision for yourself, blow it up to twice the size and ask yourself how it feels. It’s one way to begin dreaming bigger and pushing that envelope!