Do You Second Guess Your Decisions?
We’ve all done this before, but the bigger question to ask is do you do this regularly when you make a decision? If you find yourself in this bucket, you’re working against yourself.
How is that so?
Well, when you make a choice to do something and then question yourself, you’ve basically questioned your ability to make the choice or make a decision. The effect of questioning your choice isn’t a bad thing to do, but when you consistently doubt your choices it degrades your self-confidence in making decisions.
When you have a habit of questioning your choice, it builds in automatic doubt in your ability to do something, in this case, make a decision. As we’ve mentioned in previous posts, this works against building confidence in your ability to move forward with creating the life you want to live. It is so much harder to take action and move forward when you second guess yourself.
What can you do to change this kind of thinking?
Pay attention to your thinking immediately after you make a decision. What kind of thoughts do you have about your choice? Are they affirmative of your choice or questioning it? Do you berate yourself? Are you nervous about making a mistake? These are all questions you can ask yourself to see if you are comfortable making decisions.
If you find yourself viewing your choice from a perspective of doubt, even when you have enough information to make an informed choice, stop yourself right there and ask ‘why do I feel negative or doubtful about my choice?’ Then take a minute to listen to yourself and what thoughts come to mind as you answer the question.
Whatever the reasons are, take some time to list them out. You can do this several times over the next day to begin to understand the themes that show up for you. You might ask this same question of a number of different choices you make throughout the day to see if you see the same kind of answers.
Once you’ve identified some of the themes in your thinking about making decisions you have great material to dig into! This is where you can discover some really interesting things about yourself and begin to make the small shifts to move you in the direction of your new life!!