Are You More Like a Rock or a River?
The other day, as I was sitting by the river watching it flow over the rocks, I started to think about the different perspectives of the rock versus the flowing river.
The river and the rock are so very different.
The river flows. It’s in constant motion. The river now is different from the river a moment ago. It shifts and adjusts. Some days the river is fast and deep. Other days it’s slow and shallow. With the onset of winter, there will be days it will appear frozen solid, but below the ice, it will continue to flow.
The rock, on the other hand, is the epitome of stability. Along with all the other rocks, it forms the container for the river – though it rarely moves. Over the years and decades, the rock grows smooth from the constant flow of the river over its once rough edges.
People are like rocks and rivers. Some of us are more stable and pride ourselves on being strong and firm. Others of us are adaptable and pleased to able to go with the flow.
Neither is right or wrong. Both offer benefits and value.
It comes down to what works for you in each situation. In some parts of our life, we choose to be firm and unmoving and in other parts of our life we let things happen and go with the flow.
It’s helpful to be able to shift. To know when it is best to be firm and at other times be more open to flow or allowing as we often refer to at YCC.
Take a look at areas of your life where you feel stuck and ask if you are acting more like a rock or a river? And does it make sense to shift a bit?