What Do You Want in 2020?
What will your focus be in the new year?
After all the change Peter and I have taken on in 2019, we are looking for even more in 2020. But the big difference between years past and the new year is a focus on our thinking to help us move effortlessly forward to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities.
I, for one, am not into new year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s because I already know I will lose sight of it within a couple of days or possibly because it’s never been a ‘thing’ for me. Why intentionally set myself up for failure? Really?
This year I’ve decided to take a different tack. I am going to focus inward and, like a fly on the wall, listen to my thinking. When I notice myself taking a negative approach to a person, place or thing, I want to build a habitual thought pattern redirecting my negative thinking in the other direction. Once I’ve shifted my direction, then I want to wonder about all possibilities that could show up that are fun, exciting, different, and ultimately better for me than I could have dreamt in my wildest imagination. And then let go of the possibilities to let them show up in my life in some way, large or small.
This will accomplish three things for me:
- It will help me understand how frequently I automatically take a negative approach to something.
- I will begin to shift my thinking from the automatic negative to an automatic positive.
- I will become aware of possibilities beyond my initial thoughts.
I figure, even if I’m only partially successful in catching myself, it will still be a success for me. There is no downside, only upside.
In fact, this is the only kind of goal I think is worth pursuing – one that will benefit me and others even if I’m not as successful as I could potentially be!
We wish you a happy and safe New Year celebration and a wonderful 2020!
Beth and Peter
Good thoughts.