New Chapter?
I had a wonderful overnight last week with my mother and sister. I’ve had so many new experiences since moving close to my family after 40 years. Watching my niece play softball with her club team, freezing in the sunshine out here in Colorado, riding my bicycle in the mountains I used to train in many moons ago, and witnessing the most spectacular Colorado fall in memory.
Recently I had a conversation with a long-time friend who asked about moving back home to be closer to my parents. How were they doing? Are they living independently? It dawned on me that I’m in the midst of starting another chapter of life.
No longer am I 20 something, 30 something, or 40 something. Soon I’ll be 60 something! This realization was something new, even though I’ve long thought about this transition. It’s now here and the acknowledgment hit me after the conversation with my friend.
With this new chapter, many of my old assumptions and the answer to the big question, “what do I want” seem to have shifted in color and interest a bit. I’m still sorting through my feelings, trying to take different perspectives, and watching my thoughts to get a handle on what’s important to me. I guess it’s like taking inventory – what do I want to keep and what can I toss out!
Whenever you find yourself in a transition, taking the time to watch your thoughts is always a great guide. Your feelings will follow depending on what you’re thinking about. As I’m writing this, it’s a cold, quiet, rainy day. A perfect time to play self-observer as I go about the day. Listening to what I’m thinking and how I’m reacting.
What do I want? It’s a question we should all be constantly be asking ourselves because it’s the best place to start anything new and different. For me it’s a new chapter in life, what is it for you? Have you asked yourself recently?
Nice !!