Are You Ready for Your Coming Out Party?

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Experiences, Observations, Peter's Voice

A little while ago, Beth and I were at a coming-out party. It didn’t start out that way; in fact, it was billed as a get together of people wanting to network and learn more about how to be successful in their business.

All of us who attended are running companies and were excited to learn new ways to customize our approach and possibly pivot our business in light of the dramatic changes in the world today.

We all learned some interesting things about ourselves. As we went around the virtual room and shared what was important to us, we felt a sense of connection and found encouragement in hearing how others were facing the same difficulties.

As we talked about the things we do, we found ourselves encouraged by the words and smiles of others. It was magical. Others could see the power and capabilities in us, that were invisible to us. And vice versa – what was obvious to us, they couldn’t see in themselves

As the afternoon progressed, we realized we were in a coming-out party of sorts. Each of us was slowly emerging from our shell of self-doubt and limitation. We began seeing ourselves through the eyes of others and started to recognize we could be so much more substantial and impactful than we originally envisioned.

It was a message for us: When we stay in the darkness of our heads, we focus on our limitations and remember our shortcomings, often ignoring our strengths and capabilities. When we get out and see ourselves as others see us, we can be blinded by our own brilliant light.

Our question for you: Are you ready to come out from your shell and into your own brilliance?

Many of us have much more time for introspection today. Since everything in our world is turned upside down, we have the opportunity to question our priorities and our assumptions.

You might ask yourself if you are living up to your own expectations. Are you living as largely or intentionally as you wish? Are you ready for your own coming-out party?

If not, what’s holding you back?

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