I had an epiphany this past week. I’ve started to look at situations differently.

I’ve understood for quite some time that my thoughts have an impact on my life and I can choose what to think. I’ve used this in many aspects of my life with sometimes fantastic, concrete results. This week it has become clear to me how I can apply it more frequently in my life.

Thinking is one of my favorite activities. It’s what I like about my life. However, a large amount of my mental energy is spent thinking about what I’ve done in the past or what I should, could or may do in the future. I don’t want to stop thinking about the future, but I can change how I choose to think about it.

Normally I use my memory, logic and set of ‘facts’ to predict how a situation is likely to unfold. I usually sprinkle a touch of apprehension with a dash of my beliefs, add some emotions to the mix and come up with a scenario which then becomes my vision of the future.

I usually see my vision come true, which is no surprise since I’ve spent my creative energy to make it happen.

My epiphany – and hopefully you’ve seen it coming as well – is to replace my expected future result with a future result that I want.

That’s it!

Many teachers have taught this exact message, but hearing it and feeling it are totally different.

I now view every situation in my head as an opportunity to visualize it as I want it to be.

For example, I’ve started to see upcoming meetings as opportunities to create the outcomes as I wish. I know who will attend, when it will take place, etc., but the outcomes are all up to me. I can just as easily visualize an outcome that is what I want as one that ‘fits the facts’

That’s now what I do. I visualize my future, like other successful people. I don’t just visualize the big things, or the hard things, but each step of the way. I’ve begun to see the world as a series of events with outcomes I’ve envisioned.

You might have heard all this before, but one thing I’ve learned on my journey is that you can’t learn passively. In order for lessons to kick in they must be experienced.

Try this.

Do you have any upcoming activities where you’d like to have a fabulous outcome? Pick a future event. It does not have to be big one or involve other people.

* Jot down a brief description of the event.
* Where will it be?
* Who will be there?
* What will the place look like?
* What time will it be?
* Do you know what you want the outcome to be?
* Imagine as much of the desired outcome as you can
* Write down, draw or somehow capture some of what makes the newly visioned outcome special for you. (You need to believe you can achieve the desired outcome. This exercise will work only if you feel you deserve it.)
* Before you go to the event review your notes or drawing – not with anxiety, but with calm assurance.
* Give it a try knowing that you can’t get it wrong. There is no right or wrong way.
* If you’d like, tell me how it turns out.