I uncovered a limiting belief the other morning while doing my morning practice.

Each morning for 5-10 minutes I sit quietly and repeat a simple statement that is counter to a limiting belief.

Recently I’ve been repeating ‘I am enough’ and ‘Everything is enough’. These two statements remind me that no matter what I say or do, it is enough. Everything else out there is enough. Nothing is lacking. That does not mean I’m satisfied with what I have or I’m not wanting and attracting more. It does mean I am enough.

I’ve been repeating this statement for the past couple of weeks. I’m not always able to continue the repeated statements for the full 5 -10 minutes, but I’m aware of it for the entire time and I find I am reminded of the simple statements throughout the day.

I feel the difference in my attitude towards myself and others. I am less critical of what I do. I used to think I could have done it better. Whatever it was, it could have been better. And when someone else did something, I used to think I could or should have done it.

I am also less critical of others. I know they too are enough. They are doing what they are doing and it is enough. Just accept it and move on.

My limiting belief is not quite gone, but it is greatly diminished.

This morning I switched my simple statement to ‘It always gets better’. I adopted this because I’ve often thought ‘sure, things are good now, but just wait until you hit the down cycle’ and other such nonsense.

While repeating this statement I visualized a slowly increasing graph. A line that slowly crept up, maybe a tiny dip here and there, but slow general progression.

As I was imagining the graph, I realized it was limited in how high it could go. There was a top! I had a ceiling to how high the line could go. What was the line doing there? I had to limit the amount of improvement each day or the line would bump into the ceiling.

I realized I had a limiting belief about how good things can get. I put the line there. Sure, I was working on ‘It always gets better’ but I was limiting how much better it could get.

So, I added ‘and there is no limit’ to my morning statement and the line went away. I was able to imagine the line going up and up.

Now I say ‘It gets better and there is no limit’

How about you? Are you unknowingly setting limits? I was surprised to find this one.

In this case, it was a combination of knowing what I wanted to accomplish, taking the time to explore it, and a form of visualization. It was interesting for me that visualization didn’t necessarily mean picturing a physical representation of my desire, but more of an emotional representation. I used the graph as a symbol of things getting better.

We have many beliefs that go unnoticed which influence our life. Can you invest the time to uncover yours?