If the measure of your happiness is whether you are happy now and your Happiness Ratio is how much of your day you spend being happy, let’s get to the big question: How happy are you?  Or better, how often are you happy?

To get a sense of how happy you are, consider how much of your day you have that happy feeling we talked about in earlier posts. The feeling can come from anywhere, as we’ll talk about in later posts. It’s the feeling that matters.

There are about 60,000 waking seconds every day. Have you ever stopped to think about how many of those seconds you spend being happy?

Can you be happy all the time? All 60,000 seconds each day being happy?  Sure.  At least that is what some have expressed.  But that doesn’t have to be your goal. We are not necessarily striving for all happy, all the time. We can if we want, but that’s not the point.  The point is to recognize how much of the time you are happy and to be happy as much of the time as you wish to be.

To get a sense of where you are now, create a series of meeting or set timers on your phone or computer to alert you to take a break from what you are doing and see if you are happy.  Crazy, isn’t it?  But if you do it, you just might catch yourself being happy.  Try this for a few times a day for a week or even just the weekend to start with.  Assess how you feel when the alarm goes off. If you feel happy, congratulations, that’s cause for a celebration.

If not, don’t worry.  You are doing the most important part which is starting to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.  This is HUGE!! Most people go through life with no idea what they are thinking or feeling.  You are on your way to purposeful creation.

Let us know what you find out.  Are you catching yourself happy?